-Television fo' negroes!
So I was on my Twitter flow (twitter.com/BreeziF) earlier today and just like any nerd I follow celebs as long as well as friends. I seen a twit from the comedian Lil Duval and it said:
i have to ask again: dear keshia coles if u care about us PLEASE don't let the frankie & neffie show air tonite. love lil duval
Talk about somebody weak! Why BET? Why you give them a show? They are super g-h-e-t-t-o! And I was thinking Tiny & Toya was the worst, oh wait there was those other MTv spin-offs Baldwin Hills & Harlem Heights. I am all about Black Entertainment but BET ain't cuttin' it. What happened to the damn music videos! MTv is killin them softly, eventhough they don't show music videos like back in the day, their reality shows are 100% better than what BET cooked up, believe that. Please tell me I am not alone!!!! BET is good for 106 & Park and catching Baby Boy & ATL on Friday nights when there isn't nothing else on the tube! Ya dig?
Breezi F.
Most of those shows are a mess! I think I was more upset over the BET awards that were supposed to be paying omage to MJ.
haha! i thought the samee thing. a mess both of em'. awesome blog btw. =]
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