
Ode to MAC Make-up

I fackin' love my mother fackin' MAC Make-up. It's the best investment I tend to make. Pure Perfection & flawless. Ladies, you know that MAC is the shit! My latest purchase was about 60 bucks or so for three products. My foundation, liner, and this new shadow. I fell in love. So I wanna take this time out to think the weird lady behind the MAC Counter at Macy's who said I have a "buttery brown skin" complexion and left me at the fucking counter so I can compare my make-up, which i already knew it matched, for like 80 years to help this Sweetbuns69 guy figure out his shade..::mocking the guy:: "Like OMG, IDK if I am a N44 or what!?!" Sorry, venting. But back to MAC, it's the best and it's worth evey dollar, fack a penny. Thank you MAC for enhancing my undeniable natural beauty. =) Thank you.


kissable couture said...

i heard they are teaming up with Hello Kitty Soon Too. Im Def a MAC Fanattic

A said...

This is my fav brand I wish it was a little cheaper but hey it does its job plus more so I complain! lol

Anonymous said...

i buyy makeupp but i dnt know
how to put it on. someonee help mee. lol.

Breezi F. said...

lol @ Toy girl jus go a MAC counter at Macy*s and they will hook you up!!!