
What an Effin Day!!...

And the funny thing it isn't over...okat so this morning I woke up and my random ass thought today was about the security tags on the mattresses! Like for real, it says "Do Not remove under Penalty of Law" so will they really put my ass in somebody's jail over a got dam tag? Like really will you put me in Jail with a bunch of crimnals? I think I might try it and then call 911!! So if anybody gets a collect call, answer that mua fuckr. 'Preciate it.

Anyways, so today I had lunch wit my father for the first time of meeting in the 21 years of my life!! I used to think me and mom dukes looked a like but me and my dad look alike for real....it was jus overwhelmed...and it isn't my dad fault as to why we just now meetin, blame ma dukes...but that's a whole 'nother blog. Lol

Then now, im sitting here at my exes house watching him play Halo on his Xbox...I miss him and I wanna tell him but I aint cause we homies now and homies don't cake, that's gay...but its crazy we been besties for 3yrs and we shouldn't of dated...and we did and now our friendship isn't as cool as it used 2 be! Oh wells...things happen for a reason, guess I'm just a sucka for love...

O and im pos 2 be getin tatted up again 2day...more to come...

Later bitches.


Sissy MaMa said...

Dang how many tatoos you gone get. and you aint tell me about ya dad

Sissy MaMa said...

omg i just noticed that picture of gavin when he was three months he was doing the exact same picture you have at the top remeber you took it you and gavin resemble lol

Anonymous said...

i wanna see pics of ur dad to tell for myself and did u take Gav wit u when u went?? and we tried to tell u but we all kno ppl learn from their mistakes...lessoned learned I HOPE lol...Love Always and here when u need me....T33Z!